Having two or more kids requires a lot of planning but having a shared bedroom for them while keeping the peace requires even more planning. When your children are close in age, sharing a bedroom is less of a hassle. However, if your children are of various ages, their preferences and requirements for a bedroom may be very different. Here are some unique ideas that will give your kids enough room and more to play, study and grow.
Having A Bunk Bed
Having a bunk bed for kids might seem simplistic but it’s a great idea long term. Even if your kids grow up, having a bunk bed ensures two distinct beds for them and will leave more space in the room for your kids to decorate the room however they want. Bunk beds provide enough privacy for everyone and can be made in a way that includes some storage space as well. Another great idea for added privacy among bunk beds is to incorporate little curtains that can be closed.
A Shared Study Table
Having a shared study table for kids is a great way to ensure they have enough space to study as well as have enough privacy. Encourage your child’s reading habits by including a reading corner and bookshelf in their room. Reading is vital for cerebral stimulation at a young age since it encourages creativity and imagination. The more inventive your children are, the more imaginative they will become as they get older.
Add A Room Divider
With a room divider, you can give your children some more solitude while simultaneously enhancing their bedroom storage. You could, for instance, put a bookshelf in the middle of your child’s bedroom to split it in half and offer each child their own area. This will ensure there is no encroachment from the other and everyone has their own space. Another great divider would be a reading nook that can be used by both children.
Choose An Appropriate Layout
A shared bedroom may seem bigger with some simple furniture placement. When deciding where to place mattresses, lining them up in the shape of a “L” against the walls might save a lot of room. Another way to make the most of the space you have is to have a headboard with storage. This will help kids to keep their belongings near them and to keep the toys and trinkets off the floor. The beds can also have storage underneath them for some extra space.
Designing a shared space can be difficult as a lot of factors need to be kept in mind. To get your children’s room just right, you can enlist the help of an interior designer who can help you with all the little details of the room. With a professional’s help you won’t be burdened by any of the cumbersome details and still get the perfect room that you desire.