Menopause is a natural phase for all women. During this phase, a woman’s period has stopped for at least a year because the ovaries no longer produce fertility hormones (i. 777 gaminator e. estrogen and progesterone).
For some women, it can be an exciting new stage of life as it marks the beginning of liberation. However, for other women, it can be difficult and confusing. Due to the major changes occurring inside a woman’s body, menopause can feel like an emotional roller coaster ride.
Mood swings, vaginal dryness, hot flashes and sleep disturbances are just some of the symptoms experienced by women during this period. If this is you, some herbal teas in Australia can be beneficial. However, before you buy one, we have compiled a quick guide to help you go through this momentous period in your life. Read on.
Stages of Menopause
Menopause is the time when your menstrual period has stopped for at least a year. Before this happens, you will experience the pre-menopause phase (also known as perimenopause) wherein the ovaries start to produce less estrogen. Perimenopause can happen 8 to 10 years before menopause. Meanwhile, when you have not had your period for 12 months or longer, you are entering the postmenopause stage.
Signs and Symptoms
Many women often ask how to know if they have entered perimenopause. While the average age of women hitting menopause is 51, when it actually starts and how long perimenopause occurs can vary from one woman to another.
Here are some of the signs and symptoms you should look out for:
Changes in Your Menstrual Periods
Once you have entered perimenopause, there will be some changes in your period from being light to very heavy. In some cases, you may have spotting, either before your period starts or as it ends, or even during mid-cycle. In other cases, you may experience heavy bleeding due to the shedding of the uterine lining buildup.
Some women experience shorter cycles as they enter perimenopause because of the thinner uterine lining caused by low estrogen levels. For others, their cycles may become irregular and may skip from time to time. If it takes longer (i.e. 60-90 days), you may be nearing the end of perimenopause.
When your menstrual period has completely stopped for at least 12 months, that is when you know that you have hit the menopause phase and you are now entering the postmenopause phase. If you experience any bleeding during the postmenopause stage, consult your doctor as this may indicate a serious health condition like uterine fibroids or infections. How can you now about blendgood and click here hammburg best online best online getjar website. If you need online best fotolognews website and visit here more mikandi site and you can get best information.
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Hot Flashes
A hot flash (also known as a vasomotor flush) is the sudden feeling of hotness in a person’s upper body, characterised by sweating and a red and flushed face. Due to hormonal changes, the brain mistakenly thinks that the body has overheated. So, the brain finds a way to cool it down.
When you have a hot flash, you will suddenly feel some hotness in your upper body as the blood vessels open up to let the blood flow increase along your skin and get rid of the extra heat. You may also feel dizzy and uneasy as your heart begins to pump your blood out faster to your blood vessels.
Meanwhile, your sweat glands will prepare to perspire to get rid of all the extra heat. This heat will escape in the face, chest and neck, and you will start to sweat. All of these usually happen within 2 to 5 minutes. When it’s finished, your body will begin to believe it has stabilised your core temperature again.
Vaginal Dryness and Lower Sex Drive
When you are entering perimenopause, you may experience some vaginal dryness, which may cause some discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse. In other cases, you won’t even want to have sex at all. If this is a concern for you, it is best to discuss with your gynaecologist to know your options on how you can reduce its impact on your sex life.
Mood Changes
Given the changes in your hormonal levels, you may also experience mood changes that are similar to those you experience during premenstrual syndrome. You may feel irritable and aggressive, sometimes sad, unmotivated and depressed, leaving you unable to focus and concentrate.
Breast Tenderness
Your breasts may also hurt due to the sudden spikes in hormones. This should improve once your period permanently stops and your body no longer produces estrogen.
Trouble Sleeping
Many women experience trouble falling asleep or getting back to sleep, which can persist even during postmenopause. Keeping a regular schedule may help in addressing sleep problems. külföldi fogadóiroda
Coping with Menopause
Several lifestyle changes can help in improving your general wellbeing as soon as you enter the perimenopause phase. Some of which include eating a healthy balanced diet, reducing sugar and high-cholesterol food intake, exercising regularly and getting sufficient rest. Drinking water regularly can also help you cope with hot flashes.
It is also highly recommended to stop smoking and reduce caffeine and alcohol consumption. Instead of coffee, opt for some herbal teas. With their phytoestrogen properties, herbal teas are known to relieve menopause symptoms and can enhance one’s general wellbeing. tippmix eredmenyek
Some Health Risks Associated with Postmenopause
When you enter the postmenopause phase, you may be at risk of several conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, vaginal atrophy and mental health issues. Aside from keeping your body healthy and fit, having a strong support system from family members and friends can help you go through this period.
Summing Up
The mere thought of menopause can bring to mind some of its unwelcome symptoms, causing many women to dread this natural transition in their lives. However, understanding how the body works during menopause can help in preparing women to go through this time.
Depending on how you look at it, menopause can have some positive impacts. So, embrace it. Rather than constantly worrying about it, have some herbal teas and other natural remedies instead.
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