Emotion! Chaos! Cheers! This is what will rule your home when you bring your new cat home for the first time. But while bringing your cat home is fun, there are many practical, everyday things you need to consider to keep your home happy. játékok nyerőgépes ingyen One of the most important things to learn is to use a sandbox.
It is important to make sure you are ready and prepared with all the necessary ingredients and ingredients you need for your kit before you bring it home. One of them is, yes, cat litter and fits the trash box. Don’t wait until an “accident” occurs, as this will not help you or your kit to get off to a good start (and a good leg). The following tips will get you ready in advance, with all you need to think about to help your new kitty know where and how to “manage the business”.
- Take advantage of their feelings
It is natural for cats and Kitten Training to do their hygiene activities in containers such as garbage, so once you launch a garbage can as soon as they get home, they will start using it right away. You don’t have to teach him what to do, just make sure he knows about him and his animal character will come in on their own! Cats and cats are eager to bury their waste. These are some of the creations and this helps them mark their location, and hide their presence from predators… so it is important that you give your cat a proper trash can.
- Find a suitable trash can
The comfort of the “bathroom” is important. Your cat will quickly grow into a full-grown cat, so choose a big trash can that he can use when he grows up too. But now make sure that your kit can be easily accessed and used without any problems at a young age. Another option is a sandbox with high sides or a roof. These modes have the advantages:
- Slightly clutter. Since cats want to hide their litter, throwing garbage or rubbing it out can create a mess outside the tray.
- Privacy. Cats are secretive animals, and your cat may like some privacy when it goes to the toilet.
- Odour control. While there are many types of cat litter that can absorb unpleasant doors, a covered litter box will provide little protection from unwanted odours, especially if you are unable to change the metal often.
But they also have limitations:
- The front door can scare them. You can start by introducing him to a door that has no door.
- The smell stays inside and he doesn’t like it at all.
- You may not want to go to a place where you cannot keep an eye on your surroundings
- The edges may be too high for him. You will have to install some access and exit lights on it.
- Remember, if you have more than one cat, you must give each one its own resources. These include trash cans, as well as leftover ones so they have more options. tippmix online Cats don’t like sharing a bathroom!
- And often they prefer to have a garbage can and a garbage can … they did just that…
- Think about the location of a garbage can
Like humans, cats need to be secretive when doing their “little things”, so make sure their litter box is in a quiet place and away from the streets. It may be in a corner or somewhere hidden. gaminator 777 ingyen nyerőgépek kaszinó játékok Make sure the tray is always accessible and not behind closed doors or next to a noisy object, like a washing machine, can scare him. Also, it is important to keep the tray away from your food and water. After all, we humans can’t eat in our cats… and cats don’t like it either.
- Reward and praise your pet
A small reward can go a long way. When you put your kit on his new tray, you may want to encourage him to get inside. You can do this by playing (for example, by hanging a toy he likes to chase to attach a tray to a good event). Praise him whenever he goes into the trash can, tell him the reward and give him something sweet, especially when he uses it as a toilet.
- Select the appropriate cat litter
There are many types of cat litter but there are some important points to consider before buying one:
- Get a cat litter without dusting it off. Dust from other tiles can irritate cats’ lungs.
- Kittens can try to eat litter, so be sure to prevent poop build up or step on it.
- It may seem like a tempting option, but avoid the smelly dirt. Cats usually cannot stand the strong smell. Your cat may find it enlarged and may even cause irritation to its nose or eyes. You could even have him move to another part of the house to help himself!
- Make sure it can easily pick up trash and put it in a disposal bag without getting lost.
Cats have a high level of hygiene, so remember to take out the trash from the trash can every day and clean it regularly; otherwise your kitty will block the trash can and go to the rescue somewhere.
- Keep your kit in a quiet place when it first arrives.
When you bring a new cat home for the first time, they may be feeling overwhelmed. There will be a lot of new things, new people, new smells, and it is possible that it is best to separate him so that he gradually adapts to his new situation. First, consider stopping her from going into a few rooms and keeping her trash can in a safe and secure place to feel comfortable and secure.