Addiction is a very difficult challenge both for the sick person and for the whole immediate environment. Alcoholism triggers the worst emotions and behavior that an addict is ashamed of after sobering up. Poles consume strong alcohols and in quite large amounts compared to the inhabitants of other European countries and the whole world. Anyone can become addicted. An unfavorable combination of factors is enough and a person consuming alcohol drinks will find themselves in the trap of addiction. gaminator hack apk download
Read more: how to support alcoholic spouse in recovery
How to help an alcoholic?
Often times, people who live with an alcoholic – wife, children, siblings – suffer from codependency. Of course, they do not approve of what the addict does, but by their actions they pave the way for him to continue drinking. The wife tries not to upset her drinking husband – she forgets her needs, admonishes her children not to be too loud when she has a hangover, pays debts, washes and irons clothes so that the alcoholic still looks good, denies in front of his family and friends that the house is in control alcohol problem and hides husband drinking. This is a typical pattern for a codependent person. At the same time, she hopes that she will be rewarded for her good behavior and that the alcoholic will finally come to his senses. It doesn’t work that way, though.
The alcoholic does not admit to be addicted: WHAT NEXT? gyümölcsös nyerőgépes játékok ingyen
Few alcoholics are aware of their addiction at least early in their illness. Although alcohol is clearly starting to take control of his life, the addict continues to deny that he has a problem. It seems unrealistic, but this is how the so-called mechanism of denial, illusion, denial. Even a person who has been addicted to alcohol for many years can say that he has no problems with alcohol and can stop drinking at any time. However, this is a deceptive impression, because addiction works in such a way that the alcoholic will not stop drinking by himself – a detox and long-term therapy is necessary, preferably in a closed ward.
Read more about symptoms of drug abuse
Alcohol and relationships, or how to live with an alcoholic?
Living with an alcoholic is a series of challenges and difficult experiences. All too often, anxiety, instability and security are repeated in them. You can live with an alcoholic, but you cannot tolerate drinking him. The drinker must be demanded, although this may be difficult. You cannot ridicule her, cry or argue, it is worth being factual and setting limits. Conversations, especially monologues in front of the drinking person, unfortunately, will not help. gaminator játékok The mind of the alcoholic uses various methods to deny its addiction, and what is obvious to a sober person is not necessarily to an addict. In the presence of an alcoholic, you should avoid drinking alcohol yourself, e.g. during meetings, take bottles with alcoholic beverages from home, get rid of glasses and the so-called drinking triggers. To avoid codependency, it is important to admit that there is a problem in the home – emotions such as regret, anger, anger are natural then, and you should not run away from them. It is important to talk about your feelings and seek support from adult family members, e.g. siblings, parents, in-laws. Together, you can make the alcoholic decide to seek treatment.